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Water Strider Photos
Photos of Water Striders gliding on water and mating.
Canon 30D Problem with Lexar CF Cards
Some makes of the Lexar high speed flash cards are not stable in Canon Digital SLRs like the 30D.
Frog Photos

Photos of various colorful frogs from Central Ohio and the Columbus Zoo.
Minolta Dimage 7 Power Problem Solved
When your Minolta Dimage 7 turns off randomly, try scrubbing its battery contacts with a pencil.
Evolution of a Shutterbug
Some tips on photography and an overview on my education with cameras.
Longnose Gar Photos

Photos of my longnose gar after it has grown over a foot in length.
Arizona Wildlife Photos

Photos of wild creatures in Arizona from the Sonoran Desert to the Grand Canyon.
Arizona Scorpion Photos

Photos of scorpions in the Arizona desert.
Arizona Plants

Photos of some of the plants I photographed in Arizona.
The Giant Saguaro Cactus
Photos of the Giant Saguaro Cactus in Arizona.