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Cartoon of Rat using Disease as a Pesticide.
rush limbaugh bookworm cartoon
wrong side of bed cartoon

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Choosing the Right Pesticide

Posted on May 6, 2021 | Last Updated May 6, 2021
Cartoon of Rat using Disease as a Pesticide.

Cartoon about pesticides and plagues.

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plague, pesticide, cartoon

The Catheterized Cat

Posted on Nov 22, 2019 | Last Updated Nov 22, 2019
catheterized cat

Cartoon about what can happen when you don't listen well.

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cat litter, catheter, cartoon

Wrong Side of Bed

Posted on Dec 31, 2015 | Last Updated Dec 31, 2015
wrong side of bed cartoon

Cartoon about people with negative outlooks.

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negativity, outlook, grouch, cartoon, comic

A Balogna Syndrome

Posted on Jan 4, 2014 | Last Updated Jan 4, 2014

A cartoon of a bull chronically depressed due to an unfortunate pun in his name.

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bull, onee, balogna, cartoon

Great Holiday Meal

A Breakfeast to Slay For
Posted on Dec 20, 2010 | Last Updated Nov 12, 2011
Santa's Meal to Slay For

Santa has the best meal he's had in years. Mrs. Claus, though, isn't so sure. A holiday baking cartoon.

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cartoon, christmas, santa, bacon, rudolph

Well Shark

Posted on Nov 2, 2009 | Last Updated Jan 4, 2014
well shark cartoon

A cartoon about the infamous well shark--a creature that is not as benign as is commonly thought.

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well shark, cartoon

Nuclear Fission

Posted on May 17, 2008 | Last Updated Feb 17, 2023
Nuclear Fission

A cartoon depicting a couple fishermen discussing the marvels of modern technology and nuclear fission.

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nuclear fission, new clear fishin, fishing


Posted on Mar 16, 2006 | Last Updated Nov 9, 2011

The fine martial art of Carrot-Te.

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carrot cartoon, rabbits, martial art

Civil Liberties

Posted on Feb 27, 2006 | Last Updated Nov 9, 2011

Cartoon depicting the irony of civil liberties.

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civil liberties, cartoon, liberty, privacy, humor

Erwin Schrödinger

Posted on Jan 30, 2006 | Last Updated Nov 9, 2011

A young Erwin Schrödinger tackles the age-old mystery of the refrigerator light.

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Erwin Schrödinger, cartoon, Schroedinger's cat, thought experiment


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