Web Image Optimizer
Details on the web image optimizer in Corel Photo-paint 12.
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite is the most powerful, cost-effective imaging bundle for the professional designer.
Custom Nibs in Corel PHOTO-PAINT
This is a video tutorial on how to create custom nibs in Corel PHOTO-PAINT. This example uses Corel PHOTO-PAINT X4 but applies to older versions as well.
Good Memories from the Badlands

Photos from my trip to Killdeer and Medora in Western North Dakota.
UseMaps Crash IE When Changed
Dynamically changing an image's usemap property can cause Internet Explorer to crash completely. Here is a solution to changing usemaps with JavaScript.
Internet Terms Word Search Puzzle
Word Search using Internet terms.
Using the Internet
This editorial on education was printed as a Chalkboard column in the Messenger.
Digital Picture Frame Image Errors
Solution to displaying Invalid JPEG files on digital photo frames.