RGB Color Tool now listed on DMOZ
The RGB Color tool I programmed is now listed on the DMOZ directory.
Material Merger
A free MAXScript utility to combine mutliple materials and maps into single output materials and maps.
Moving to Montreal
I took a job in Montreal to work as a Product Owner for 3ds Max.
Video Tutorials
The video tutorials you'll find on this site range far and wide, from how to use Corel PHOTO-PAINT and 3ds Max, to web development and photography.
Junk Food won’t make you Chuck
A review of musical group Chuck's Junk by Shawn Olson, originally in the Westside Messenger.
The Cringe evolution is nigh

Cringe was in the studio on March 8, 2003 to prepare for the release of the new album.
Configure Half-Life 2 to use Madcatz Panther XL Joystick
Madcatz Panther XL resources for playing Counter-Strike and Half-Life 2 with Panther XL on Win XP..
Orangebox Breaks Some Custom Maps
After Valve updated Counter-Strike Source to Orangebox, many custom maps have missing textures. Even worse, some maps now even crash CS. Here is what I did to fix de_tension.
Pinochle Score Card
A generic form for keeping Pinochle scores. PDF link for download.
Using the Internet
This editorial on education was printed as a Chalkboard column in the Messenger.