Baby Rodent Photos
Some photos of baby rodents by Jenny.
Donald George Olson died at 72
Some memories and thoughts about my Dad
My Dad, Donald George Olson, died on March 18, 2013... just four days shy of his 73rd birthday.
Arizona Wildlife Photos
Photos of wild creatures in Arizona from the Sonoran Desert to the Grand Canyon.
Gasshopper Photos
Photos of some grasshoppers by Jenny.
Photos of Little Hayden
Baby photos of Hayden Olson. Shots with Dewey, at the Air Force Museum and his first Christmas.
Wolf Photos
Photos and video of wolves at the Columbus Zoo, including the Timber Wolf and Mexican Wolf.
Downy Woodpecker Photos
Photos of a downy woodpecker in the woods.
Assassin Bug Photos
Photos and short video of assassin bugs.
Snake Photos
Some photos of snakes at the Columbus Zoo.
Wolf Photos - Columbus Zoo
Photos of wolves at the Columbus Zoo.