Noise Auction - A Prelude

Promo pictures of a new rock band in Columbus called Noise Auction.
Cyber Trial Lawyer or Cyber Bully?
I just got an email draft of a lawsuit against me for $7 Million dollars.
Smart Kids in Distress
Advice for young artists and free thinkers struggling in high school.
A Perspective on Futurism
Compilation of facts and thoughts on futurism origin and effects.
Hirsch shoulda did his homework
A stab at E. D. Hirsch's misplaced criticism of John Dewey.
What if We Ran from Iran
A warning about impending war with Iranian fanatacism.
Scams to make you feel cool
Scams I almost fell for... and Manchester Who's Who
Crazy Neighbor

A little story about a crazy neighbor.
MisCon 25
My Adventure with Onkel Sven.

I traveled to Missoula, Montana with John Dalmas to participate in MisCon 25. I met several interesting characters including William Warren Jr, James Burk, Jim Glass and others.