A New Beginning
For my one and only.. a promise to give honor and respect.
Something Got Lost
A poem remembering my dear mother.
Frost on Glass
Poem about staying positive when times are dark.
Spider Photos 2
More photos of tiny spiders.
Cringe Photos 1

Photos of Cringe at the Alrosa Villa on August 23, 2002. This was my first encounter with the band that became one of my favorite bands of all time.
Brett Atherton
Brett Atherton is a longtime friend of Shawn Olson. He is a member of the Indestructible Robots and Nerd Table.
Shawn Olson

Shawn Michael Olson is a technical artists and photojournalist in Central Ohio. He owns Wall Worm, Webonizer and the Artistic Network.
Notes From Cali
Words from a friend absentia.
Shane Christopher Webb
Some words on my friend Chris Webb.