3D Designs

Samples of graphics that encorporate 3D renders.
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite is the most powerful, cost-effective imaging bundle for the professional designer.
Writing Samples
Writing samples on the Shawn Olson Artistic Network
Game Resource
Game resources - designs and downloads.
Photography portfolio
Computer Art

Samples of my art designed on a computer.
Liquid 6teen Art

Graphics I designed for the rock band Liquid 6teen.
BF2142 Black Screen Fix
After updating your nVidia graphics driver to Forceware 178.24 you may have experienced black screen problems in the game Battlefield 2142. Here is the fix.
Max 2010 Particle Flow Presets
When you install 3D Studio Max 2010, it does not automatically install any Particle Flow Presets. They are available in the Samples DVD that ships with Max. Here is how to install them.