The Cheating Mentality
Essay about cheating in online games, using hacks in multiplayer games.
My feelings on God
My personal views on God.
Filter XML Data Based on Dates in ActionScript
You can filter your XML data based on dates in ActionScript to limit results in a component's data provider to one that is relevant to the given task.
Understanding Statistics
New tool to demonstrate how the range of answers affects the probability that a correct answer will be randomly guessed.
MP4 files in Flex VideoDisplay
Here is a solution to your problem if you are building an application in Flex 3 that uses the VideoDisplay component and the results fail to work in Internet Explorer and Chrome but mysteriously work in Firefox.
De_Ashtonpines - Counter-Strike Map
Custom Counter-Strike map... remake of De_Weldonsquare.
July 24, 2004
July 24, 2004 Newsletter with a comment about testing new programs and my new interest in the ambush bug.
Chapter 3: Arrival at Jadus
The Orion was sent to Jadus to find Rogue 7.
Computer Art
Samples of my art designed on a computer.