Writing Samples
The beginning for a writer is the journal. I say this because it is the testing grounds for all your styles and ideas. If you do not keep a journal, it will be hard for you to be a good writer in almost any field.
You should write a little every day if you want to cultivate your literary skills. That's the beauty of a journal... because you don't need a revolutionary idea or original thought to write a successful entry into your journal. Other types of writing are not as forgiving; when you write poetry when you don't feel poetic or a story when you don't feel inspired, you will likely not turn out highly artistic words.
Featured Articles
Adventures with Del
In Memory of Delwin Olson

Photos and tribute to my friend and cousin Delwin Olson.
Latest Articles
Good Memories from the Badlands

Photos from my trip to Killdeer and Medora in Western North Dakota.
Moving to Montreal
I took a job in Montreal to work as a Product Owner for 3ds Max.
Adventures with Chris

Slideshow of Photos and a little about my cousin and dear friend Chris Himes, who died on April 26, 2019.
Reflections and Infections
An essay about the need for more philosophy (love of wisdom) in an age of growing xenophobia.
But Words Will Never Hurt Me
Editorial on negativity and entitlement amongst online communities.
A Little About John Dalmas

A short overview of the life of my friend John Dalmas.
Education in the Digital Age
Essay on education in the modern digital age.
Crazy Neighbor

A little story about a crazy neighbor.