A Trip Down Hoopty Lane
An American Hoopty adventure to fix a van that turns into a car hater's nightmare.
Evolution of a Shutterbug
Some tips on photography and an overview on my education with cameras.
Meteor Crater

Photos and links for Meteor Crater in Arizona.
Undivided in a Divided Scene

Photos of Undivided at Newport plus interview.
The nature of apathy
To be apathetic is to invite entropy, says Olson. How do we deal with it?
Psychics and Statistics
What happens when a Carl Sagan fan meets with person with psychic ability.
Houdini & Thurston
A short contrast of Howard Thurston and Harry Houdini
Comparing America magicians Harry Houdini and Howard Thurston.
MisCon 25
My Adventure with Onkel Sven.

I traveled to Missoula, Montana with John Dalmas to participate in MisCon 25. I met several interesting characters including William Warren Jr, James Burk, Jim Glass and others.
Information Overload
An Over-Abundance of Information in the Information Age
An essay on the trends on the Internet that cause an explosion of information that is often antithetical to the ideals of democracy and progress. This essay cautions parents, teachers and community leaders to be wary of every emerging media outlet.
Wild Mercy

Photos of a contemporary Celtic rock musicians Wild Mercy.