The Fairness Mentality
Essay about our skewed perspective on fairness.
The Value of Art
An essay on the value of art.
J. Ashburn Jr. Youth Center turns 40
History of the J. Ashburn Jr. Youth Center, a refuge for many children and teenagers in the Hilltop, a community on the West Side of Columbus, Ohio. Story from in the Columbus Messenger Newspapers for April 29, 2002 by staff writer Shawn Olson.
The Call for Religion in Schools
An unpublished editorial on religion in the classroom.
Astrology As I See It

A skeptical essay on astrology.
A Perspective on Futurism
Compilation of facts and thoughts on futurism origin and effects.
Problems with American Freedom
A reaction to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on America, shortly after the events.
Writing Samples
Writing samples on the Shawn Olson Artistic Network
Greg Oden, Buckeyes and Basketball
Commentary on collegiate basketball, American colleges and professional sports.