The Fairness Mentality
Essay about our skewed perspective on fairness.
Crazy World
Essay on the turmoil of our world today and the current trend of escalating hatred, nationalism and xenophobia.
Monty Hall Game
Example of the workings of the Monty Hall Game paradox.
Reviewing the Slate
Review of Steven Pinker's book The Blank Slate and the common notion that we are all born without predispositions.
Mantidfly Photos

Photos of a mantidfly, a predatory insect related to lacewings. The insect is easily confused with the praying mantis. It is a mantis mimmick.
Spiny Assassin Bug

Photos of a spiny assassin bug which I think is a wheel bug.
Donna Olson died at 55
Donna Olson, my mother, died on August 4, 2003.
too far behind
Poem on staying focused on goals, keeping high standards and avoiding drift.