August 27, 2010 Newsletter

August 27, 2010 Newsletter with a review of Convexity, a game level builder plug-in for 3D Studio Max.
No Mushrooms and Life
Jeremiah Williams prepares for his weekend and life.
The Great American Hoopty
My advice on used cars. If you can't tell... I hate cars. Their only redemption is that they offer something to talk and write about.
McDonald's Terms
A few of my family's favorite words from McDonald's
Smart Kids in Distress
Advice for young artists and free thinkers struggling in high school.
Birds and Other Denizens of the Outer Banks

Photos of birds, dolphins and sites in the Outer Banks.
New CS:Source Map de_tension

My return to mapping is official with the remake of de_tension for CS:Source. This new map includes a novel mapping technique developed by Andrew Penry and myself called Dynamic Mapping.
XHTML—the beginning
A basic overview of XHTML and starting a web page.