Ambush bugs pictures by Jenny
Pictures I took of some ambush bugs.
Leaf-Footed Bugs - Holmes County Ohio
Leaf-Footed Bugs with metallic blue colored abdomen found in Holmes County, Ohio.
Ambush Bugs
Photos of ambush bugs waiting for prey, posing oddly and eating bees.
Ambush Bugs
Photos of the Ambush Bug... a predatory insect that waits in the pedals of flowers for unsuspecting prey.
Assassin Bug - Darby Creek
Photos of assassin bugs at Darby Creek, Franklin County, Ohio.
Mantidfly Photos
Photos of a mantidfly, a predatory insect related to lacewings. The insect is easily confused with the praying mantis. It is a mantis mimmick.
Grapevine Beetle
Photos of the Grapevine Beetle, a large orange beetle with black dots on its wings.
Green and Orange Jumping Spider
These are photos of a large multi-colored jumping spider eating a bug. The spider has distinctive orange, brown and green patterns. Shot in Ohio.
A word search with the songs from UNBREAKABLE.
Ambush Bugs
Photos of ambush bugs.