Media Studies
Articles about modern society, media, journalism, propaganda and information in the Internet Age.
Creative Arts Basics
Basic information about Shawn Olson Creative Arts.
Web Developer Tools
Information on some of the web developer tools I've built.
Hidden Source
Information about one of my favorite games...Hidden:Source.
Web Color Tool
Information regarding my RGB Color tool.
John Dewey Online
Information about my John Dewey projects.
Shawn Olson maps featured on CS Nation
CS Nation, a leading Counter-Strike community, has featured information about some of my maps.
October 30, 2008 Newsletter
October 30, 2008 Newsletter with information about Wild Mercy and Filk.
March 18, 2005 Newsletter
March 18, 2005 Newsletter, including doctor who information.
Manipulating Element Styles Based on CSS Classes Using Prototype
Example javascript function to change element display properties based on their classes using the Prototype JavaScript Framework.