The Catheterized Cat
Cartoon about what can happen when you don't listen well.
Configure Half-Life 2 to use Madcatz Panther XL Joystick
Madcatz Panther XL resources for playing Counter-Strike and Half-Life 2 with Panther XL on Win XP..
Cringe at the Tavern
Cringe played at the Tavern at the Mill in Lancaster on June 21, 2003.
America’s New War
A reaction to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on America, written shortly after the attacks.
Water Strider Photos
Photos of Water Striders gliding on water and mating.
The Great American Hoopty
My advice on used cars. If you can't tell... I hate cars. Their only redemption is that they offer something to talk and write about.
Season Finale
The one where one door closes and another opens.
Education in the Digital Age
Essay on education in the modern digital age.
Desktops are not extinct
Editorial discussing the notion that the time of the desktop is over. I argue that the advent of smart phones, tablets and mobile devices do not preclude the value of the desktop.
Animal House
Our home is the animal house. A golden retriever, a cat, a chinchilla, fish and several children roam the hallways of the house. And others live outside.