Color - CSS and HTML
Tool for showing how to generate color using RGB values.
RGB Color Tool now listed on DMOZ
The RGB Color tool I programmed is now listed on the DMOZ directory.
Altering CSS Class Attributes with JavaScript
A useful JavaScript to instantly change the style values of a CSS class property.
Web Color Tool
Information regarding my RGB Color tool.
Compare Values with Arbitrary Comparison Operator
JavaScript for comparing values when the operator to use is variable.
JavaScript function and sample code to dynamically compare two values. Accepts numeric and/or alphanumeric values and does a comparison on them based on a comparison parameter.
Manipulating Element Styles Based on CSS Classes Using Prototype
Example javascript function to change element display properties based on their classes using the Prototype JavaScript Framework.
Change HTML Styles with JavaScript
Video and source files on using getElementById, getElementsByTagName and object oriented methods to dynamically change HTML element styles in JavaScript.
SMD Collision Mesh Tool
Download the SMD Collision Mesh Prep Tool for 3D Studio Max and learn how to use it.
Tone Curve
Tone Curve tutorial: how to use the Tone Curve function to edit a photo or graphic to bring out the optimum color and brightness.
Adding some style to your web page
A beginning example of adding style to your web page.