Tic Tac Toe
Free online version of Tic Tac Toe.
Doug Stormont wins trustee seat in Prairie Township
Doug Stormont won the Prairie Township Trustee position against Jeff Nourse. Liquid 6teen lost their drummer. And the Artistic Network Online Shopping Gallery was launched.
Overly Dark Render Problem in 3DS Max 2009
Fix to dark render problem in 3ds Max 2009 where render looks fine in preview render window but not the final output file.
PHP Traits for Implementing Interfaces
PHP 5.4 introduced traits. Traits are in many ways like code-assisted copy and paste. They are ways to mix code into a class without inheritance. But what are they good for? When should they be used?
MP4 files in Flex VideoDisplay
Here is a solution to your problem if you are building an application in Flex 3 that uses the VideoDisplay component and the results fail to work in Internet Explorer and Chrome but mysteriously work in Firefox.
Flash bgcolor and allowFullScreen Parameters Not Working?
I spent half a day trying to figure out why a Flash project suddenly stopped honoring bgcolor and allowFullScreen in IE but not other browsers.
I Endorse This Message
Have you noticed that politicians no longer have ideas... but they sure endorse a lot of other peoples' messages.
Voting with the ego.
Egoism may not be popular, but it's what's getting my vote.
2004 Election. No one wins.
Why the Mandate is anything but.
This Art is Alive
Poem about the nature of human interactions. We all want to impose ourselves, visions and beliefs onto others. But it is always a give-and-take adventure.