Spider pictures by Jenny
Some pictures of spiders that I took - photos by Jenny.
Spider Photos 3
Photos of spiders.
Some observations on smokers
You can't argue with people who are addicted to cigarettes.
Adding some style to your web page
A beginning example of adding style to your web page.
Some Scoundrel
Semi-satirical poem about passing the blame on others and passing the buck.
Select Some Checkboxes JavaScript Function
A new javascript function that allows you to control checkboxes in groups via a control checkbox.
Some thoughts on learning
Shawn Olson criticizes the standard battle between educators promoting exclusive learning styles.
Ambush Bug Photos
Photos of a small ambush bug waiting for prey in the pedals of a flower.
Baby Rodent Photos
Some photos of baby rodents by Jenny.
Winged Insects
Some colorful and large flying insects, including a large Robber Fly.