The Big Insurance Scam
A scathing reaction to the realities of the insurance industry and the insurance scam that makes the entire American public a victim.
Obama's Health Care Reform
A skeptical view on the political debate on health care reform in America. This article questions the entire premise of forcing health care insurance on the public.
A Trip Down Hoopty Lane
An American Hoopty adventure to fix a van that turns into a car hater's nightmare.
Misconceptions on Privacy Invasion
An essay defending the government's right to spy on the public.
Psychics and Statistics
What happens when a Carl Sagan fan meets with person with psychic ability.
Copy and Paste Object Properties in 3ds Max
MAXScript for copying properties from one object to multiple other objects.
Foggy Morning
Foggy morning photos from Westgate Park.
The most important things
Putting human struggles and value into perspective.
Hiding in the Cracks
A poem about the illusion of discontinuity; questioning the static.