Eagles Football
These are some of the photos from the Westgate Eagles when my son Ethan played for the team.
Liquid 6teen Art
Graphics I designed for the rock band Liquid 6teen.
Void of Desire
A poem on shallow activities inspired by my participation in photographing rock concerts.
The Fox & the Dog
Even a dog can get played.
Wolf Photos
Photos and video of wolves at the Columbus Zoo, including the Timber Wolf and Mexican Wolf.
Snake Photos
Some photos of snakes at the Columbus Zoo.
Empty is as full as it gets
Humorous piece by Shawn Olson about cars, originally printed in the Columbus Messenger.
Traditional Hindu Wedding
Photos of a traditional Hindu wedding in Columbus, Ohio.
Frog Photos
Photos of various colorful frogs from Central Ohio and the Columbus Zoo.
Wildlife Art
Samples of wildlife art from Columbus-based artist Donald Olson.