Misconceptions on Privacy Invasion
An essay defending the government's right to spy on the public.
A Perspective on Patriotism
Essay about patriotism, nationalism and America.
Software Activation, Licensing and Piracy
The problem with software activation systems in the Internet Age and the inflated claims that piracy costs billions of dollars a year.
Insurance Fraud: The True Story
While lawmakers are worried about prosecuting insurance fraud, are they looking in the right places?
Richard Hudson
The Great American Hoopty
My advice on used cars. If you can't tell... I hate cars. Their only redemption is that they offer something to talk and write about.
Copy and Paste Object Properties in 3ds Max
MAXScript for copying properties from one object to multiple other objects.
The other end of life
An emotional editorial by Shawn Olson about old age originally printed in the Messenger.
Mabi Ponce de Leon, Artist and Teacher
Bexley High School art teacher Mabi Ponce de Leon report was Olson's last article for the Columbus Messenger Newspapers.
Human ability and prejudice
Prejudice is a part of our world fading, but never quickly enough.