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Fishing Spider

Photos of large fishing spiders that hunt on the surface of ponds and creeks.
The Daddy Long Legs (Harvestman) Myth

Photos of the Harvestman, also known as the Daddy Long Legs Spider. This creature is not a spider and is not venomous.
Bullet Jones at Skully's

Bullet Jones finished off the night for the Philo CD Release Party
Bands opening for the Philo CD Release
Bands opening for the Philo CD Release on December 1, 2007 included Pets or Meat, Cordova and For The Drive.
Philo Releases its First CD

Rock band Philo released their first album (Self Destructive in Dark) on December 1, 2007 at the Skully's Music Diner in Columbus.
Wildlife Photos

Intriguing photos of wildlife and nature.
Funny Animals

Photos of animals being silly at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium.
Ohio Caverns

Photos of the stalactites and stalagmites of the Ohio Caverns.
Walking Stick Insect

Photos and video footage of a Walking Stick (Stick Insect).
Ruby-Throated Hummingbird

Photos and video of the Ruby-Throated Hummingbird.