Writing Samples
The beginning for a writer is the journal. I say this because it is the testing grounds for all your styles and ideas. If you do not keep a journal, it will be hard for you to be a good writer in almost any field.
You should write a little every day if you want to cultivate your literary skills. That's the beauty of a journal... because you don't need a revolutionary idea or original thought to write a successful entry into your journal. Other types of writing are not as forgiving; when you write poetry when you don't feel poetic or a story when you don't feel inspired, you will likely not turn out highly artistic words.
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Adventures with Del
In Memory of Delwin Olson

Photos and tribute to my friend and cousin Delwin Olson.
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A gift to our idol
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The Answers You Seek
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Smile on a Mask
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No Mushrooms and Life
Jeremiah Williams prepares for his weekend and life.
It all begins on a bad day
Chapter 1 of The Hermit Colony, a satirical story about a man named Jeremiah Williams.
A World at War
Thoughts on the American War in Iraq.
Reviewing the Slate
Review of Steven Pinker's book The Blank Slate and the common notion that we are all born without predispositions.
Mom - a poem by Eric Olson about Mom.