Sleepy Baby
Photos of baby Hayden, tired from watching some Doctor Who and Backyardigans with Dad.
Wedding Photos - Glatz
Wedding photos for Ryan Ruttencutter to Emil Glatz on June 20, 2004.
Lightning Photos
Photos of lightning during a May storm.
Soma at Billiard Club
Soma at the Billiard Club on April 23, 2004.
Soma at Newport
Soma played for Eightdaze at the Newport Music Hall on February 6, 2004.
Dayton Air Show 2002
Photos from the Dayton Air Show on July 20, 2002.
Ruiter Wedding Photos
Photos of the marriage between Steve Ruiter and Annie Keslar.
Liquid 6teen - Crown - London
Liquid 6teen played at the Crown in London on September 20, 2003.
Carnival & Actors
Carnival at Great Western; actors from the Jewish Communit Center. 2002 photos by Shawn Olson.
Video Tutorials
The video tutorials you'll find on this site range far and wide, from how to use Corel PHOTO-PAINT and 3ds Max, to web development and photography.