Overly Dark Render Problem in 3DS Max 2009
Fix to dark render problem in 3ds Max 2009 where render looks fine in preview render window but not the final output file.
March 28, 2009 Newsletter

Here are some updates about the work of Shawn Olson in the first quarter of 2009.
Unicode Data with PHP 5 and MySQL 4.1
Internationalization is simple with a litlle advanced preparation.
Canon 30D Problem with Lexar CF Cards
Some makes of the Lexar high speed flash cards are not stable in Canon Digital SLRs like the 30D.
No Mushrooms and Life
Jeremiah Williams prepares for his weekend and life.
Mabi Ponce de Leon, Artist and Teacher
Bexley High School art teacher Mabi Ponce de Leon report was Olson's last article for the Columbus Messenger Newspapers.
Rock Music IS Folk Art.
Essay tracing path of folk music to modern rock.
November 18, 2009 Newsletter

November 18, 2009 Newsletter with a discussion on social networking sites like Facebook. Links to latest projects.