Armor Piercing Condoms
An uncouth cartoon about human nature, sex and capitalism.
Common Household Pets
A list of animals often kept as pets
All there is
A poem written by Jennifer Pugh about all there is.
Select All Checkboxes in a Form with JavaScript
A simple, free javascript to select/unselect all the checkboxes in a form.
Desktops are not extinct
Editorial discussing the notion that the time of the desktop is over. I argue that the advent of smart phones, tablets and mobile devices do not preclude the value of the desktop.
Human Mentalities
Essays about various types of mentalities, personalities and perspectives.
August 27, 2010 Newsletter
August 27, 2010 Newsletter with a review of Convexity, a game level builder plug-in for 3D Studio Max.
The Cheating Mentality
Essay about cheating in online games, using hacks in multiplayer games.
The nature of apathy
To be apathetic is to invite entropy, says Olson. How do we deal with it?