Fix for OpenCart Error: The security header is not valid
A solution for the error 'The security header is not valid' in OpenCart when using PayPal Express Checkout.
BF2142 Black Screen Fix
After updating your nVidia graphics driver to Forceware 178.24 you may have experienced black screen problems in the game Battlefield 2142. Here is the fix.
MP4 files in Flex VideoDisplay
Here is a solution to your problem if you are building an application in Flex 3 that uses the VideoDisplay component and the results fail to work in Internet Explorer and Chrome but mysteriously work in Firefox.
SwfObject JavaScript Error in IE7
IE7 has a JavaScript Error when using the swfobject.js method if you do not give the containing object element an ID.
A Trip Down Hoopty Lane
An American Hoopty adventure to fix a van that turns into a car hater's nightmare.
Do Not Call - Seriously
When the Do Not Call registry went into effect, telemarketing should have listened.
Overly Dark Render Problem in 3DS Max 2009
Fix to dark render problem in 3ds Max 2009 where render looks fine in preview render window but not the final output file.
Using an Object Id with JavaScript
Referencing objects in JavaScript using the ID attribute.