Custom map hdn_sacrelige is now available for testing. This is a custom map for the Hidden:Source Half-Life 2 mod. Beta 4 version.
Golden Retriever Photos
Some photos of my dog Dewey playing in the sunset.
Romping Retrievers
Photos of a golden retriever and a Chesapeake Bay retriever romping.
Locust Borer
Photos of a yellow, black and red beetle called the Locust Borer.
Cringe Photos 2
Cringe headlined at the Alrosa Villa on November 29, 2002.
The idea of love
A philosophical look at the human emotion of love, originally printed in the Messenger.
Assassin Bug Photos
Photos of the Assassin Bug, a predatory insect.
Assassin Bug - Darby Creek
Photos of assassin bugs at Darby Creek, Franklin County, Ohio.
Noise Auction - A Prelude
Promo pictures of a new rock band in Columbus called Noise Auction.
Scenic Paintings
Oil paintings of rural or wilderness scenes by Donald Olson.