SwfObject JavaScript Error in IE7
IE7 has a JavaScript Error when using the swfobject.js method if you do not give the containing object element an ID.
Steam and Internet Explorer 7
There is a bug in IE7 that sometimes won't let you connect to your favorite servers in Steam games like Counter-Strike.
Using Object Layers
Tutorial on using object layers to add depth and creative possibilities to graphic projects.
UseMaps Crash IE When Changed
Dynamically changing an image's usemap property can cause Internet Explorer to crash completely. Here is a solution to changing usemaps with JavaScript.
Using an Object Id with JavaScript
Referencing objects in JavaScript using the ID attribute.
Manipulating Element Styles Based on CSS Classes Using Prototype
Example javascript function to change element display properties based on their classes using the Prototype JavaScript Framework.
Importing Methods from an unrelated Class in PHP5
Sometimes you need to steal a method from an unrelated class without becoming a child. Here's how.
Fix for OpenCart Error: The security header is not valid
A solution for the error 'The security header is not valid' in OpenCart when using PayPal Express Checkout.