Grapevine Beetle
Photos of the Grapevine Beetle, a large orange beetle with black dots on its wings.
Lady Beetles
Lady Beetles didn't swarm us this year, but next year they might!
Well Shark
A cartoon about the infamous well shark--a creature that is not as benign as is commonly thought.
Mantidfly Photos
Photos of a mantidfly, a predatory insect related to lacewings. The insect is easily confused with the praying mantis. It is a mantis mimmick.
Walking Stick Insect
Photos and video footage of a Walking Stick (Stick Insect).
Custom Nibs in Corel PHOTO-PAINT
This is a video tutorial on how to create custom nibs in Corel PHOTO-PAINT. This example uses Corel PHOTO-PAINT X4 but applies to older versions as well.
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Locust Borer
Photos of a yellow, black and red beetle called the Locust Borer.