Cringefest 2003
Cringefest was a large show in 2003 showing off the talents of many popular bands in Central Ohio, including Cringe, Liquid 6teen, Eightdaze, Soma and more.
Settlers of Catan
Settlers of Catan board game is a popular favorite among gamers.
Names of some popular board games.
Ambush Bug Photos
Photos of a small ambush bug waiting for prey in the pedals of a flower.
Near and Nearer
Images of small things, and then closer looks at those things.
New Counter-Strike Maps
New custom CS maps are here -- de_stonerhenge and de_welfare_square.
Webonizer Content Management System Launches
My newest version of content management for artists, communities and small businesses is now available.
Groom's Wedding Terms
A small word search for my friend who is getting married this week.