The black, white and red of the colorblind society
An essay noting the state of the civil rights movement in the wake of Rosa Park's death.
The Storm and the Rainbow
Images of the sky, before and after storms.
Capital Tragedy
Photos of Capital Tragedy at the Billiard Club on April 24, 2004.
Closer Than Far
Photos of Closer Than Far at the Billiard Club on April 24, 2004.
Noise Auction ... Round One
Photos of Noise Auction on their first night out at the Billiard Club on April 24, 2004.
Snake Photos
Some photos of snakes at the Columbus Zoo.
Strip Character and Whitespace in JavaScript Function
Use this function to strip whitespace and any character from a string in JavaScript.
Columbus Messenger, Me and Unprofessional
The Columbus Messenger Newspapers and why I don't work there anymore.
Frog Photos
Photos of various colorful frogs from Central Ohio and the Columbus Zoo.