Olson's Uncouth Cartoons
Uncouth Cartoons by Shawn Olson. Some of these cartoons may not be suitable for kids less than 13.
Christmas at Shawn's, Jen's & Family
Photos from our Christmas 2002.
Choosing the Right Pesticide
Cartoon about pesticides and plagues.
A Balogna Syndrome
A cartoon of a bull chronically depressed due to an unfortunate pun in his name.
A semi-chauvanistic cartoon about getting what you want too literally.
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The Catheterized Cat
Cartoon about what can happen when you don't listen well.
My Wife Likes it Hot
A little story about when my wife made things a little too hot.
Well Shark
A cartoon about the infamous well shark--a creature that is not as benign as is commonly thought.
Great Holiday Meal
A Breakfeast to Slay For
Santa has the best meal he's had in years. Mrs. Claus, though, isn't so sure. A holiday baking cartoon.