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Almost everyone in the civilized world is an amateur photographer. Great photography has come from almost all walks of life, and not all of the best pieces have come from professionals--some of the greatest photographers on the planet don't get paid for their work. Still, for most of the time since cameras have been around, the majority of great photographs have come from professionals; in large part, only professionals could afford the high-end equipment necessary to handle many situations; only professionals could afford to refine their art with the constant cost of practice--for film and development never have been a cheap enterprise. With the advent of the digital camera, photography has finally become an open source of creative fulfillment even for the non-professional. Amateur photographers need not worry about the cost of learning their art once they have purchased a single, quality digital camera.

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Spiny Assassin Bug

Posted on Sep 24, 2004 | Last Updated Nov 7, 2011
spiny assassin bugspiny assassin bug

Photos of a spiny assassin bug which I think is a wheel bug.

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September Sunset Photos

Posted on Sep 23, 2004 | Last Updated Nov 7, 2011
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Photographs of sunsets taken in September 2004.

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Carolina Mantis

Posted on Sep 22, 2004 | Last Updated Nov 7, 2011

Photographs of a carolina mantis.

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Baby Rodent Photos

Posted on Sep 18, 2004 | Last Updated Nov 7, 2011

Some photos of baby rodents by Jenny.

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baby rodent photos, wildlife photos

Electrical Photos

Posted on Sep 18, 2004 | Last Updated Nov 7, 2011
Electrical photoElectrical photo

Photos of outdoor electrical utilities.

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Sunset Pictures

Posted on Sep 17, 2004 | Last Updated Nov 7, 2011

Some sunset pictures taken on 9-17-04 by Jenny.

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sunset pictures, wilson bridge, columbus ohio

Mating Mantids

Posted on Sep 14, 2004 | Last Updated Nov 7, 2011
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Photos of mating mantids.

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Kevin Lottes Portraits

Posted on Sep 13, 2004 | Last Updated Nov 7, 2011
Photos of writer Kevin Lottes.Photos of writer Kevin Lottes.

Photos of writer Kevin Lottes.

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Foggy Westgate Park Pictures

Posted on Sep 12, 2004 | Last Updated Nov 7, 2011

Some pictures taken at Westgate Park by Jenny.

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Westgate Park, foggy trees, Columbus Ohio

Spider Webs

Posted on Sep 10, 2004 | Last Updated Nov 7, 2011
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Spider web photos from a foggy morning with dew covering the webs.

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spider web photos, dew, moisture


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