Art is the all-defining term for this site. While almost all of the creative endeavors covered on this site can be defined as "art", this page is specifically for the display of visual arts, including painting, drawing, design and any combination of these and more.
Latest Articles
Nuclear Fission

A cartoon depicting a couple fishermen discussing the marvels of modern technology and nuclear fission.
Misty Morning

Misty Morning is a computer painted scene of a large lake with islands and distant mountains along the horizon.
Corel Training Partner
Corel has invited me to be an official training partner.
Pocket Art
Digital Art created using Pocket Artist on a Pocket PC.
Face of Phantom Memories

Computer art of a face that reminded me of a strange dream.
Photo Edit Competition
I submitted a piece to the SitePoint Photo Editing competition.
Civil Liberties
Cartoon depicting the irony of civil liberties.
Erwin Schrödinger
A young Erwin Schrödinger tackles the age-old mystery of the refrigerator light.
Lorikeet Creative Arts

Creative graphics composed from photos of Lorikeets.