Series of tutorials to help aspiring graphic designers learn to be proficient in the often-neglected environment of Corel PHOTO-PAINT.
Introduction to Graphic Design
An introduction on graphic design software, with a focus on Corel PHOTO-PAINT.
Video Tutorials
The video tutorials you'll find on this site range far and wide, from how to use Corel PHOTO-PAINT and 3ds Max, to web development and photography.
Using Object Layers
Tutorial on using object layers to add depth and creative possibilities to graphic projects.
How can I help fund the Shawn Olson Creative Arts?
You can help fund Shawn Olson by spreading the word, adding links, or donating.
Master Web Designers Website
The new hub of professional website development has been launched.
Custom Nibs in Corel PHOTO-PAINT
This is a video tutorial on how to create custom nibs in Corel PHOTO-PAINT. This example uses Corel PHOTO-PAINT X4 but applies to older versions as well.