New Look for Site
A recent upgrade makes the site more consistent among browsers.
Ambush bugs pictures by Jenny
Pictures I took of some ambush bugs.
New Wall Worm Game Server
We finally have a full-fledged game server for the Wall Worm Clan at
The New American War
Essays, commentaries and cartoons about the American War on Terrorism arising after September 11, 2003.
Muckraking in the New Millenium
Muckraking habits are still here as much as ever.
A New Beginning
For my one and only.. a promise to give honor and respect.
My Wife Likes it Hot
A little story about when my wife made things a little too hot.
CandleWatch - Rekindling the love for candlelight

CandleWatch is a new jar candle accessory that automatically extinguishes jar candles.
Compare Values with Arbitrary Comparison Operator
JavaScript for comparing values when the operator to use is variable.
JavaScript function and sample code to dynamically compare two values. Accepts numeric and/or alphanumeric values and does a comparison on them based on a comparison parameter.
August 12, 2007 Newsletter
August 12, 2007 Newsletter including a new Hidden Map and wildlife photos.