A semi-chauvanistic cartoon about getting what you want too literally.
Evolution of a Shutterbug
Some tips on photography and an overview on my education with cameras.
Education in the Digital Age
Essay on education in the modern digital age.
But Words Will Never Hurt Me
Editorial on negativity and entitlement amongst online communities.
Using Object Layers
Tutorial on using object layers to add depth and creative possibilities to graphic projects.
Online Vs Print
Essay on the values of web publishing over printed media relating to marketing.
The Big Insurance Scam
A scathing reaction to the realities of the insurance industry and the insurance scam that makes the entire American public a victim.
Working Towards Interactivity
I have been involved in various projects that include Flash applications and speed optimizations.
March 7, 2008 Newsletter
March 7, 2008 Newsletter, including information about recent web development by Shawn Olson. Links to projects and friend sites.