Problems with Journalism
Some of the problems and misconceptions surrounding modern journalism.
Human ability and prejudice
Prejudice is a part of our world fading, but never quickly enough.
The root of educational failure
The reason public education suffers is because the primary participants (students and parents), do not share a love for learning.
Google's Dewey Update
Some thoughts on the latest upheaval to the search engine world and the so-called Dewey Update.
A Counter-Strike map for lovers of destruction.
Does Shawn Olson respect my privacy?
Shawn Olson does not infringe upon your privacy.
Noise Auction at Mad Cow
Photos of Noise Auction playing at the 2004 Mad Cow Bash.
The idea of love
A philosophical look at the human emotion of love, originally printed in the Messenger.
Andrew Penry
A note on my friend Andrew Penry.