Writing Samples
The beginning for a writer is the journal. I say this because it is the testing grounds for all your styles and ideas. If you do not keep a journal, it will be hard for you to be a good writer in almost any field.
You should write a little every day if you want to cultivate your literary skills. That's the beauty of a journal... because you don't need a revolutionary idea or original thought to write a successful entry into your journal. Other types of writing are not as forgiving; when you write poetry when you don't feel poetic or a story when you don't feel inspired, you will likely not turn out highly artistic words.
Featured Articles
Adventures with Del
In Memory of Delwin Olson

Photos and tribute to my friend and cousin Delwin Olson.
Latest Articles
Free World
The First Installment of Free World.
The Mask of Rogue 7: Chapter 2
Chapter 2 in the Mask of Rogue 7 science fiction series.
The Mask of Rogue 7 - Chapter 1
Part one of the Mask of Rogue 7 science fiction series by Shawn Olson.
A Day at the Dentist
A weird and horrific story about a trip to the dentist gone wrong.
The Life of Clarence Himes
A biography of Clarence Himes by his grandson Shawn Olson.
Hirsch shoulda did his homework
A stab at E. D. Hirsch's misplaced criticism of John Dewey.
Empty is as full as it gets
Humorous piece by Shawn Olson about cars, originally printed in the Columbus Messenger.
Cringe Photos 1

Photos of Cringe at the Alrosa Villa on August 23, 2002. This was my first encounter with the band that became one of my favorite bands of all time.
A bankrupt soul
A poem on inner emptiness that comes with a single-minded obsession with materialism.
Some thoughts on learning
Shawn Olson criticizes the standard battle between educators promoting exclusive learning styles.