Shawn Olson Creative Arts
Art, Poetry, Photography, Writing and 3D
Shawn Olson Creative Arts is a collection of artwork, journalism, poetry, photography, 3d and more by technical artist Shawn Olson in Columbus Ohio.
The black, white and red of the colorblind society
An essay noting the state of the civil rights movement in the wake of Rosa Park's death.
African Paintings
Three oils by Donald Olson depicting African wildlife.
Wildlife Art
Samples of wildlife art from Columbus-based artist Donald Olson.
Ink Animals
Samples of wildlife in ink by Donald Olson.
Red, White & Boom
Photos of the 4th of July fireworks display in Columbus, Ohio on July 3, 2006.
Strip Character and Whitespace in JavaScript Function
Use this function to strip whitespace and any character from a string in JavaScript.
Who is Shawn Olson?
Shawn Olson is a photojournalist and web designer.
Donna Olson Still Recovering
Donna Olson is still in the hospital, recovering from stroke.
Donna Olson is ill
Donna Olson has had another stroke and is recovering at Doctor's West Hospital