Voting with the ego.
Egoism may not be popular, but it's what's getting my vote.
The Paradox of Cultural Relativism
An skeptical essay on the paradox of cultural relativism when taken to an extreme. My stance is that cultural relativism is only valid in a limited scope and should not be used to justify barbaric and supertitious societies.
Educational Inflation
A critique of the value of educational diplomas.
Education in Debt
The assumption that a diploma means educated is not well founded.
Promoting Interest in the Classroom
An essay about the role teachers play in making subjects interesting, valuable and relevant to students. Prompted by an Open-House visit to Westland High School.
Eric Olson
Eric Olson is the musical member of the Olson clan.
Meteor Crater
Photos and links for Meteor Crater in Arizona.
2013 in Review
Newsletter about 2013, including various losses in our family and other news.
Rock Music IS Folk Art.
Essay tracing path of folk music to modern rock.