Noise Auction at Shakers
Some photos of Noise Auction in a very dark club in Columbus.
Assassin Bugs

Photos some different assassin bugs and leaf-footed bugs I found in a couple hours at Darby Park.
Flies on Cattails
Some photos on cattails in November.
Arizona Plants

Photos of some of the plants I photographed in Arizona.
Christmas Golden Retriever

Some photos of the Christmas season--golden retriever-style.
Spider pictures by Jenny
Some pictures of spiders that I took - photos by Jenny.
Cringe Photos 1

Photos of Cringe at the Alrosa Villa on August 23, 2002. This was my first encounter with the band that became one of my favorite bands of all time.
Pinochle Score Card
A generic form for keeping Pinochle scores. PDF link for download.
Winged Insects
Some colorful and large flying insects, including a large Robber Fly.