Using Object Layers
Tutorial on using object layers to add depth and creative possibilities to graphic projects.
Leaf-Footed Bugs - Holmes County Ohio

Leaf-Footed Bugs with metallic blue colored abdomen found in Holmes County, Ohio.
Lady Beetles
Lady Beetles didn't swarm us this year, but next year they might!
The Sweeper that Sucks
What happens when someone tried to sell a sweeper to a tightwad asshole for $1600.
Cringe Photos 2

Cringe headlined at the Alrosa Villa on November 29, 2002.
The idea of love
A philosophical look at the human emotion of love, originally printed in the Messenger.
Assassin Bug Photos

Photos of the Assassin Bug, a predatory insect.
Orangebox Breaks Some Custom Maps
After Valve updated Counter-Strike Source to Orangebox, many custom maps have missing textures. Even worse, some maps now even crash CS. Here is what I did to fix de_tension.
De_Ashtonpines - Counter-Strike Map
Custom Counter-Strike map... remake of De_Weldonsquare.