Google's Dewey Update
Some thoughts on the latest upheaval to the search engine world and the so-called Dewey Update.
2004 Election. No one wins.
Why the Mandate is anything but.
The root of educational failure
The reason public education suffers is because the primary participants (students and parents), do not share a love for learning.
Using an Object Id with JavaScript
Referencing objects in JavaScript using the ID attribute.
Adventures with Chris

Slideshow of Photos and a little about my cousin and dear friend Chris Himes, who died on April 26, 2019.
How I Broke Three Trucks
A tale about my time working in a boiler repair shop.. and how I broke three different trucks.
The MTV Generation
Media giants hook the public on self-gratifying entertainment all in the name of freedom of speech.
Pinochle Score Card
A generic form for keeping Pinochle scores. PDF link for download.