The Bumblebee Moth
Photographs of bumblebee moths and their predator, the yellow crab spider.
Yellow Jacket Wasps
Photos of a hive of yellow jacket wasps.
Hickory Horned Devil
Photos of the Regal Moth Caterpillar, also known as the Hickory Horned Devil.
Crab Cones - Leftover Chef
How to make a meal out of random ingredients in your pantry.
Green and Orange Jumping Spider
These are photos of a large multi-colored jumping spider eating a bug. The spider has distinctive orange, brown and green patterns. Shot in Ohio.
Locust Borer
Photos of a yellow, black and red beetle called the Locust Borer.
Walking Stick Insect
Photos and video footage of a Walking Stick (Stick Insect).
The Daddy Long Legs (Harvestman) Myth
Photos of the Harvestman, also known as the Daddy Long Legs Spider. This creature is not a spider and is not venomous.
Insect Word Search
Insect Word Search Puzzle.