Insect Word Search
Insect Word Search Puzzle.
Bug pictures by Jenny 2
Some more bug pictures that I took - photos by Jenny.
Material Merger
A free MAXScript utility to combine mutliple materials and maps into single output materials and maps.
Software Activation, Licensing and Piracy
The problem with software activation systems in the Internet Age and the inflated claims that piracy costs billions of dollars a year.
A Trip Down Hoopty Lane
An American Hoopty adventure to fix a van that turns into a car hater's nightmare.
Boycott Adobe
It's Time for Artists to Send a Message
Critical discussion on software companies fleecing artists and consumers.
MisCon 25
My Adventure with Onkel Sven.
I traveled to Missoula, Montana with John Dalmas to participate in MisCon 25. I met several interesting characters including William Warren Jr, James Burk, Jim Glass and others.
Wildlife Photos
Intriguing photos of wildlife and nature.