Colorful Insect Photos
Some colorful insect photos.
Grapevine Beetle
Photos of the Grapevine Beetle, a large orange beetle with black dots on its wings.
Green and Orange Jumping Spider
These are photos of a large multi-colored jumping spider eating a bug. The spider has distinctive orange, brown and green patterns. Shot in Ohio.
Winged Insects
Some colorful and large flying insects, including a large Robber Fly.
Who is Shawn Olson?
Shawn Olson is a photojournalist and web designer.
Does Shawn Olson respect my privacy?
Shawn Olson does not infringe upon your privacy.
What is the Shawn Olson Creative Arts Website?
Shawn Olson Creative Arts is a website created, owned and maintained by Shawn Olson. It features thousands of pages of writing, photography, art, videos and more.
Hayden Turns Two
Hayden found a praying mantis on his second birthday. Watch out David Ireland!
Longnose Gar
Photos of the Longnose Gar, a large pike-like fish found in Ohio rivers.